Friday, March 26, 2010

ONE MONTH!! ...and one day!

So, Kylie often hears Zach say, "Kylie I love you a whole Lot...Big enough to build a house on!"
One night when Zach and Kylie were engaged, Zach came running into Kylie's house so enthusiastic that he needed to show her something. He put Kylie's boots on and helped her get her coat, took her by the hand, had her close her eyes, and then he led her down the street. After a short walk Zach picked her up and started to carry her. She was laughing and very excited for the surprise...and indeed it was!!!! Kylie opened her eyes and saw in a very LARGE field that Zach had written, "I LOVE YOU A WHOLE LOT!" Shrills! They gave each other a BIG hug and danced around. Yep, Zach and Kylie love each other, they got married, and now they have been married for ONE MONTH!!!! and could not be happier.

To everyone out there...
Marriage is the best.
We now have been married 1 official month and have loved every bit of it.
Mazel Tov!

1 comment:

  1. so cute dearie! I LOVE this. I think we married similar guys. :) I am so happy you love being married so much! I love hearing updates!
